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Art Appraisal Blog

Category - COVID-19

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Beneficiary Identification, Targeting, Onboarding

Volume 1: Evaluation of FCDO’s COVID-19 Cash Transfer in Kenya

This report provides a comprehensive evaluation of a digital cash transfer administered in Kenya under the Hunger Safety Net Program beginning in October of 2020. Using survey data, Oxford Policy Management probed the effectiveness of remote targeting, text message communication, mobile payments through M-PESA, and complaint resolution. Their findings stress the need for prior preparation in using social protection to respond to shocks.

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Beneficiary Identification, Targeting, Onboarding

Volume 2: Evaluation of FCDO’s COVID-19 Cash Transfer in Kenya, Technical Annexes

This report provides the technical annexes of Oxford Policy Management’s evaluation of a digital cash transfer administered under the Hunger Safety Net Program in Kenya. Using survey data, the study probed the effectiveness of remote targeting, text message communication, mobile payments through M-PESA, and complaint resolution. Their findings stress the need for prior preparation in using social protection to respond to shocks.

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Maximizing Government Cost Savings: Indicators for Calculating Cost Savings from Centralizing and Digitizing Payments

To provide an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic and foster an appropriate environment for economic recovery, LAC governments need to reach a holistic, up-to-date understanding of the resources available to them. Adopting a treasury single account (TSA) and digitizing revenue collection may help achieve these objectives.This study shows that improving treasury management in LAC by implementing TSAs and digitizing revenue collection and payments could generate potential annual savings of...

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Country Studies

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments Case Study: Philippines

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of the Philippines in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Country Studies

G2P Payment Arrangements in Egypt and COVID-19

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of Egypt in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Country Studies

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments Country Brief: South Africa

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of South Africa in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Country Studies

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments Country Brief: Jordan

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of Jordan in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Country Studies

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments Country Brief: Colombia

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of Colombia in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Country Studies

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments Country Brief: Peru

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of Peru in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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Country Studies

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments Country Brief: Ecuador

G2PX is an initiative within the World Bank Group that seeks to improve government-to-people payments through digitization, in part by identifying best practices throughout the developing world. In this country study, G2PX examines the experience of Ecuador in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

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